George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network has released a statement calling on Vice President Dick Cheney to leave his hunting trip at a gun club in New York because of its decision to hang a flag viewed as offensive to African Americans.

Sharpton said: It has been reported to us by media on the site that Vice President Dick Cheney is duck and pheasant hunting in Dutchess County at the Clove Valley Rod & Gun Club outside of Lagrangeville in Union Vale, New York, and there is a Confederate Flag hanging at the club.

I am calling on Vice President Cheney to leave immediately and denounce the club and apologize for going to a club that represents lynching, hate, and murder to black people.

In this age of Jena and hangmen nooses all over the country, for the Vice President to relax under the flag of the hangmen nooses is an unpardonable insult to all Americans, particularly Blacks. He ought to leave immediately, call for the flag to be brought down at once, and apologize for being connected to an institution that would be insensitive enough to fly it in the first place.

What is interesting to me is that this is not even in the South that it is flying. The club owners must identify with the philosophy of the Confederacy because they can’t say that they are a historic club that 200 years ago was a part of the Confederacy since New York was never a confederate state.

If Cheney does not leave, I will bring a delegation of clergy to lead a prayer vigil in the immediate future.

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