George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Harsh Life In Kibera, Kenya

Children and open sewer in Kibera.Image via Wikipedia
by Elisa Morgan, ONEMoms in Kenya

I had to watch each step very carefully. The stench was indescribable. I ducked under clotheslines and around dogs everywhere. Children called out around me, “Hello! How are you?” They reached out and touched me. I smiled and called back, “Hello!” while jumping over muck of who knows what. All around me: rows and rows and rows of rooftops and alleys and chickens and women cooking and men loitering and tables of piled vegetables and dried smelly fish.

Kibera. The largest slum in Africa. Home to around one million people. Poverty like you can’t imagine. Filth you wouldn’t believe. HIV/AIDS and malaria and TB and you name it. Here 1 in 3 babies die before their first year and one in 6 moms. Malaria is rampant. CONTINUE....

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