George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Heads didn't necessarily roll at MSNBC after video of terrorist Osama bin Laden mistakenly accompanied copy about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. However, the head responsible for the mistake was slapped on the wrist.

Without naming names, NBC News announced Tuesday that it has reprimanded the employee responsible for the mixup, which took place as Matthews was previewing a story on the controversy over Obama's use of another politician's words. A picture of bin Laden briefly flashed on the screen with the headline "Words About Words."

"This mistake was inexcusable," MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said.

The Obama campaign immediately called NBC to complain, prompting Matthews to issue an on-air apology minutes later. When "Hardball" was rerun later that night, a picture of Obama replaced the picture of the terrorist leader.

Someone in the network's graphics department was responsible for the mistake, but MSNBC will not release the person's name, nor would the network explain exactly how the mistake was made. The exact nature of the employee's "reprimand" was also kept under wraps.

Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor noted the apology and said the campaign had no other comment.

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