George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Reports out of New York City say Illinois Senator Barack Obama's primary night results were greatly undercounted in several areas ... in some cases leaving him with zero votes when, in fact, he had pulled in hundreds, said the Board of Elections.

Unofficial primary results gave Obama no votes in nearly 80 districts, including Harlem's 94th and other historically black areas - but many of those initial tallies proved to be wildly off the mark, the board said.

Because of recounts, in some districts, Obama may end up in a tie or even defeating Hillary Clinton, the Democratic senator from New York.

"Outrageous" is what Brooklyn City Councilman Charles Barron called the understated figures

"I think this is an all-out effort to stop a campaign that is about to make history and render America's first black president," he said. "We need some kind of independent or federal agency to investigate this."

In other Obama news, the Democratic presidential candidate met in secret with John Edwards on Sunday. The meeting was confirmed by his campaign managers, but wouldn't say if won an endorsement.

Edwards dropped out of the presidential race after failing to win any of the earlier state races. Both Obama & Clinton are actively seeking his support because of his appeal to working-class Democrats who are heavily represented in Ohio's primary and Pennsylvania's April 22 contest.

Finally, it appears that Obama's winning ways are causing Bill Clinton to come apart at the seams. He's starting to lose his cool - in public - more and more. The latest case was in Canton, Ohio when the former US President got in the face of Robert Holeman an Obama supporter.

"I think he even hit me in the face with his hand," Holeman said. "He did give me a little pop. It was okay, because I understand his tenacity for his wife."

Some staffers from the Clinton camp expressed to reporters that Holeman was an Obama plant, however that was categorically denied by the Obama spokesperson Ben LaBolt. Also, a spokesperson for President Clinton who was near the confrontation, said there was no physical contact.

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