George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Obama and Clinton square off in Ohio.

Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama went head to head in Cleveland last night. The two had their final debate before the primaries in Texas and Ohio next week. Obama took on Clinton for her past position on the Iraq war, while Clinton attacked the Illinois senator on health care mailings and NAFTA. She also said Obama was unprepared to handle foreign policy crises. Clinton has upped her attacks on her opponent recently, after he took 11 states in a row.

The European Union is fining Microsoft for failing to obey an antitrust order. The EU is fining the corporation a record 1.3 billon dollars for charging its rivals too much for software information. Microsoft says the fine refers to past problems, and they're now working to make their product more open. This is the largest fine the EU has ever issued to a single company for this issue.

The U.S. dollar has hit a new low in Europe today. The euro reportedly soared to more than $1.50 and the British pound reached $1.99...making it more expensive for Americans to travel in Europe. This comes as reports released show the U.S. economy is slowing and predicts the Federal Reserve will continue cutting interest rates. Meanwhile the sliding dollar caused oil prices hit a new high $102 dollars a barrel.

Today is day three in the trial for the shooting of Sean Bell. Bell was killed on his wedding day by New York detectives last November...the 3 officials accused of the shooting say they thought Bell was reaching for a gun. The young man's father William testified in court yesterday, emotionally recalling the night of his death. Bell's father was with him celebrating his bachelor party, shortly before his death. The defense claims Bell was drunk and disorderly on that night.

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