George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Reuters reports of a new study that finds African American adolescents who suffer depression after giving birth run a higher risk of becoming pregnant again soon after than those who are not depressed.

It may be that depression causes feelings of fatigue and helplessness that lead to less use of birth control methods, or that emotionally distressed teen mothers "seek out intimacy with additional sexual relationships," Dr. Beth Barnet and colleagues at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore reported.

Depression is a problem for both white and black teenage mothers, who in general are twice as likely as adult mothers to become depressed, the report said. And it also noted that previous research has found that black adolescent mothers suffer from depression at twice the rate of their white counterparts.

The racial disparity "is probably associated with poverty," Barnet said in an interview, as studies have shown that depression is higher in general among lower socioeconomic groups. Exposure to violence and a drug culture in the group studied are also a factor, she said.

The findings were based on 245 mostly black young women aged 12 to 18 from low-income families who received prenatal care at five community centers.

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