George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


A new book from the 75-year-old brother of James Earl Ray attempts to prove that he was not the man who assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. nearly 40 years ago in Memphis.

In his book "The Truth at Last," John Larry Ray claims that new documents offer forensic evidence that indicates James was not the murderer.

"Martin Luther King Jr. was a man admired by millions, but my brother didn't kill him," John told the New York Daily News. "I believe my brother was not only misused by conspirators within our government but also greatly misconstrued as a 'racist' and a 'murderer' by the media."

James Earl Ray, who died in 1998 at age 70, confessed to fatally shooting the civil rights leader, then recanted after just three days.

In the book, John Larry Ray and co-author Lyndon Barsten recount conversations between the brothers — before the shooting — in which James feels he is being set up in a plot. "The Truth at Last" also draws a confusing map of alleged mind-control experiments perpetrated on him by the C.I.A, reports the Daily News.

"James may be gone, but I have to continue his fight for justice and dignity before the ink dries on history," John said.

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