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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

JEREMIAH WRIGHT HAS NEGATIVE EFFECT ON OBAMA: Poll says controversy weakened white support for presidential candidate.

According to the most recent News York Times/CBS News poll, support among white Americans for the presidential candidacy of Senator Barrack Obama “has softened” since the massive media reporting regarding his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

The biggest decline in support took place among white males and upper income whites. Obama’s overall favorability rating dropped 7 points to 62 percent.

However, the poll taken between March 28th and April 2nd, did contain some good news for Obama regarding his close fight with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

It showed that 74 percent of Democrats felt Obama was the kind of candidate who would unite the nation. Only, 60 percent felt the same way about Mrs. Clinton.

The decline in Obama’s overall popularity appears to have grown out of repeated stories regarding his former Chicago pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Wright came in for heated criticism for suggesting that America’s Middle East policy was in part responsible for the 9-11 terrorist attack on the nation and that the government may have played a role in spreading AIDS in the Black community.

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