George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Saturday, April 12, 2008

REV. WRIGHT KEYNOTES AT NAACP DINNER IN DETROIT: Controversial preacher speaks on April 27.

On April 27 at Cobo Center in Detroit the NAACP branch holds its 53rd annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner featuring keynote speaker Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, retired pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Trinity United Church of Christ is the church home of presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Rev. Wright thrust himself in the limelight with a controversial service where his remark claiming that African-Americans should sing, “God damn America and not God Bless America.” Obama in turn denounced the remarks, but not Wright. The Illinois senator has said that Rev. Wright is a mentor to him.

The fundraiser has been billed the largest sit-down dinner in America. It is the primary fundraising event for the Detroit branch, which is one of the NAACP’s most prominent, historical and largest.

The dinner will honor Detroiters Charlie Gilliam (community activist) and Eleanor Josaitis (co-founder of FOCUS) with Freedom and Justice Awards and Dennis Archer Sr. with the group’s Life Time Achievement Award.

Soledad O’Brien of CNN will make a special presentation of the documentary, “Black in America.”

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