George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Monday, May 19, 2008

Commentary: Bush May Be Top Dog as a Hang-Out Buddy or Golf Partner, But as President, He’s a Real Mutt

By: Deborah Mathis,

As further evidence that you really do get what you pay for: Behold, George W. Bush.

This is a president the electorate picked up in the flea market of American politics. He came with no warranty, no product manual and only a questionable performance record. Still, the public bought him based on what the sellers said he could do.

Or, better put, it’s like getting a pet at the dog pound. Every now and then, you end up with a real winner who will bring unparalleled joy and service to the household. Many times, you end up with something barely tenable, rather on the lazy side or sickly. Sometimes, like this time, you find yourself stuck with trouble-on-the-paw -- the type that chews up your shoes, soils the furniture, barks throughout the night and terrorizes the neighbor’s kids.


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