George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Monday, July 20, 2009

MSNBC’s Affirmative Action? Hiring Articulate Bigots

By: Deborah Mathis

Stay with me on this: You’re talking with someone about an issue or event and, with a perfectly straight face, he or she says something so outlandish, so outrageous, so ridiculous that it leaves you speechless because not even your wildest imagination had prepared you for something as beyond-the-ozone as that.

And then, when the shock wears off, and what you heard sinks in, you come up with loads of pithy rejoinders that you wished had occurred to you at the moment.

But then, you decide that it was just as well that you were speechless since what’s the use in wasting your breathe on someone who, clearly, does not have the capacity for reason?

MSNBC’s Affirmative Action? Hiring Articulate Bigots....

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