George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


America's dream ticket; M.C. Cosby; Jamie and the G's

By Cameron Turner


“Yet with a steady beat
Have not out our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?”

*Those words from our Black American National Anthem, “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” echoed in my mind as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton debated one-on-one last Thursday.

Watching this historic exchange I was gripped by the realization that the Presidential nominee from one of the major parties will be either a black man or a woman and that nominee will, in all likelihood, become the next President of the United States.

Our ancestors who fought and died for racial and gender equality could scarcely have imagined this day!

But what struck me the most about last week’s debate was how much Clinton and Obama looked like a team. The bitterness and hostility that boiled over before the South Carolina primary had given way to civility, professionalism and even a hint of kindness.

As they sat side-by-side on the stage of the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, it was clear that Barack and Hillary agree on most of the major issues. More significantly, it was clear that these two strong, passionate leaders could put ego and personal ambition aside and join forces for the good of the nation.

The audience erupted into sustained applause when debate moderator Wolf Blitzer raised the notion of the two candidates uniting on a “Dream Ticket.” Neither Barack nor Hillary said no when pressed to say whether they’d choose the other as a running mate. Obama even went as far as to say, “Hillary would be on anybody’s short list.”

Whether it’s Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama, the Dream Ticket can’t lose. United, the two candidates will animate all the factions within the Democratic Party along with the large number of independents who are eager for real change in Washington and that coalition will carry them to victory in the November election.

That’s how Ronald Reagan and the first George Bush sailed into the Oval Office back in 1980. They’d been rivals all through the primaries and caucuses but when Reagan secured the nomination he quickly chose Bush as his running mate. That unified the Republican Party, energized their conservative base and set the stage for their overwhelming defeat of President Jimmy Carter.

Now, the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. The Republicans face an uphill climb in their quest for the White House. The American people are fed up with the conservative strategy which has given us a protracted, failed war and an economy spiraling toward recession. That’s why the GOP is on the verge of selecting a moderate, Sen. John McCain, as its nominee.

Obama and Clinton could each beat McCain but they’d have to struggle for the victory. (It would be harder for Barack because McCain could more effectively play the experience card – and the implied race card -- against him.) But if they team up, Obama and Clinton (no matter who’s on top of the ticket) will whip McCain in a landslide.

That’s why the Democrats’ Dream Ticket would be a Republican nightmare.


“Lest our feet, stray from the places,
Our God, where we met Thee
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the wine of the world
We forget Thee”

That’s another line from “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” It went through my mind when I read about Bill Cosby’s plans to record a rap album called “State of Emergency.” The 70-year-old comedian, actor and author wants to use hip hop to talk to our kids about black-on-black crime, teen pregnancy, drugs, high school dropout rates and other tragic realities. While no one has any delusions about Cosby’s skills as an MC, we should all applaud this project.

Bill Cosby has dedicated his life to encouraging African-Americans to be the best we can. That commitment has been evident in his career choices: from his family-friendly comedy routines, his Emmy-winning dramatic work on “I Spy” in the 1960s, “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids” in the 1970s, his three sitcoms in four different decades, his best-selling books on parenting and marriage, the “Little Bill” children’s stories and cartoon show, his countless speeches at college graduations and community forums and his current book, “Come On, People.” Bill Cosby’s deep love for and faith in our people motivates him to speak out against the self-destructive trends, behaviors and values which are ripping the black community apart.

It irks me to see how Bill Cosby has been forced to defend himself in recent years. We can quibble over the way he expresses himself, but his heart has always been righteous.


Jamie Foxx’s latest project sort of ties in with Bill Cosby’s advocacy. Jamie’s working with MTV to create a reality show called “From G’s To Gents” which will help young brothers from the ‘hood to develop the social and professional skills needed to be successful. Jamie, who takes pride in being a Southern Gentleman, will teach lessons in etiquette, personal style and chivalry (the proper way to treat a lady). Press reports say that “the young men will learn that every G has the ability to be a true Gentleman – and a real shot at finding success.”

Excellent concept – if it’s done right. Hopefully, it won’t be a male version of “Charm School.” The last thing any of us needs is more exploitive mess.

Thanks for listening. I’m Cameron Turner and that’s my two cents. I want to hear yours so speak out on the message board or hit me up at


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