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Tuesday, February 5, 2008


No Super Tuesday Knockout Punch for Obama or Clinton.

By Columnist and Political Analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson

The odds are that Democratic presidential arch rivals Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton will know no more about which of the two will be the party's standard bearer the day after Super Tuesday than they did when the day started.

The early talk about the "inevitability" of Hillary's march to the Democratic nomination has long since ceased. And any talk about Obama's inevitability, despite his rock star size crowds, poll surge and high profile endorsements, is just as nonsensical and wishful thinking.

Obama will win some of the 15 Democratic state primaries and seven caucuses and one in American Samoa and Clinton will win some others. In the biggest and most crucial delegate rich state of California, the delegates are parceled out proportionally, so both Clinton and Obama will get their share.

But even with no Clinton or Obama knockout punch on Super Tuesday, the day will still answer some questions while raising a couple of large questions for which ever one grabs the top Democratic prize.

The first question for Obama is ... (READ MORE).

Will Super Tuesday Decide Whether Obama or Clinton Get the Democratic Presidential nomination? Vote at

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His new book: The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press February 2008)

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