George Zimmerman Trial Livestream

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wait, Isn't The Right Supposed To Be Racist?

Rush Limbaugh Cartoon by Ian D. Marsden of mar...Image via Wikipedia
By: Jenée Desmond-Harris

As sexual harassment allegations against black Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain surfaced this week, conservative supporters rallied to his defense. Rush Limbaugh, who's famous for nothing if not his racist radio rants, has taken up for the gospel-singing, former Godfather's Pizza CEO who's leading in the GOP polls. Conservatives who would normally balk at any allegation of racism don't seem put off in the least by the assertion, made by Cain's PAC, that the attacks on him represent a Clarence Thomas-esque "high-tech lynching."

This seemingly unconditional embrace of Cain -- who brags that his ancestors were slaves, wants to be called "black American" instead of "African American" and has nicknamed himself "the Black Walnut" -- isn't new: He won the Florida straw poll and is neck and neck with Mitt Romney in Iowa. Republicans praise his plain-speaking debate style and call him "genuine." CONTINUE....

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